Two Things To Avoid In Ramadan - Portal Gems #61

Don't add more sins to your pile in the month meant to melt sins away...

Est. Read time: 4 min
Edition Number: 61
Adapted from: What is Your Goal for Ramadan?
Instructor: Dr. Haifaa Younis

Assalamu Alaykum,

Today’s gem is from Dr. Haifaa Younis’ lecture, What is Your Goal for Ramadan?In this gem, Dr. Haifaa shares two things that we should be very cautious in this month where we have the opportunity to melt all of our sins.

Hope you enjoy!

This edition of Miftaah Portal Gems is Sponsored by Halal Design House

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We begin in the Name of Allah , the Most Merciful and Compassionate,
We ask that He sends Peace and Blessings upon our noble and beloved
Prophet Muhammad

Let's make one of my goals that this Ramadan is going to melt my sins by not adding to the pile.

The number one cause of adding to the pile of sins, please forgive me and correct me if I'm wrong, is in the masjid.

True or false?

I'm going to share some experiences that I've seen, I’ve seen these things even in the Haram. Eight rakat is done and half of the Masjid follow the Sunnah that taraweeh is only eight rakat and there is no extra, Alhamdulillah. So what do we do? I would love to say we walk out and go home and sleep because tomorrow we need to be ready. As soon as 8 rakat finishes, and this is men and women, no difference, we stand outside and start talking.

You just said it's only eight, Quran is being recited, I am in the month that will melt my sins, and what I am talking about? Allah ﷻ knows.

Don't pile your sins in a place meant for you and me to melt our sins.

Number two, and I learned this from one of my teachers actually, especially if any of you is going to be in Mecca or Medina in the Haram during Ramadan, one of the most challenging times. She said, and I love this, every Ramadan I remember her words. She said, “When you are in that Masjid or even here because here also there are also people from all over the world, when you are sitting there and someone comes and sits next to you, young or old, what do you feel inside your heart? If she is from this country or from that area? Or she is not like what I want? Or I kept this spot for my friend? Or I want this person to come and sit next to me?”

She said, “Look inside your heart, that's a sin, that's Kibr. I am arrogant, I'm looking down at the person next to me, although all of us are from dust, all of us are from Adam, and Adam was created from dust.”

May Allah ﷻ melt away all our sins and grant us tawfiq not to add more sins to the pile.

أقول قولي هذا وأستغفر الله لي ولكم، فاستغفروه إنه هو الغفور الرحيم

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