The Foundation of Iqbal's Philosophy - Portal Gems #30

Channeling love towards the one that deserves it most...

Est. Read time: 3 min
Edition Number: 30
Adapted from: Quran Through the Lens of Iqbal
Instructor: Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed

Assalamu Alaykum,

Today’s gem is from Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed’s course, Quran Through the Lens of Iqbal (which is available for free until December 31, 2023). In this gem, Mufti saab shares the foundation of Iqbal’s philosophy.

Hope you enjoy!

We begin in the Name of Allah , the Most Merciful and Compassionate,
We ask that He sends Peace and Blessings upon our noble and beloved
Prophet Muhammad

It doesn't matter if you're a sister that doesn't work hijab, not pious, doesn't pray 5 times salah, I mean you name it, you make yourself look like you're not a good person. But guess what? Motherhood brings so much love in your heart. You have it within you to sacrifice your body, to sacrifice yourself, to sacrifice everything for that baby you love so much. We see this sacrifice in relationships of love, we see it so much.

My brother is going through med school, you hear these stories all the time.

Mothers that want their baby to survive over themselves.

Refugees that are trying to escape their war-torn lands figuring out a way to put their children on the boats and planes while they take all the arrows themselves.


This is Muhabba, this is love. And this love that we all have, but we show in different ways. Maybe it's love for getting a better business, maybe it's love for having a better life in this world, whatever it is.

Iqbal says this is the foundation everything. That we channel this love inside of us towards the one who deserves it the most which is the Prophet ﷺ. Nobody deserves more love than him because of what he did for us - nobody does.

May Allah grant us tawfiq to love the Prophet ﷺ.

أقول قولي هذا وأستغفر الله لي ولكم، فاستغفروه إنه هو الغفور الرحيم

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