The Basics - Portal Gems #5

Getting to paradise is often over complicated in our minds when its actually simple.

Est. Read time: 2 min
Edition Number: 5
Adapted from: Surah Al Waqiah: The Inevitable
Instructor: Shaykh Abdullah Waheed

Assalamu Alaykum,

Today we’re going through a gem from Shaykh Waheed’s class on the tafsir of Surah Waqiah about how getting to paradise often gets overcomplicated when its really simple. It’s a classic Shaykh Abdullah gem - breaking down things in a way that’s easy to understand with jokes sprinkled in.

Hope you enjoy!

We begin in the Name of Allah , the Most Merciful and Compassionate,
We ask that He sends Peace and Blessings upon our noble and beloved
Prophet Muhammad

The difficulty of achieving Paradise is sometimes overstated. We start to think that it's so hard to get into Jannah, but it's not.

It’s very simple. Don’t hurt anyone and pray your salah - you got your paradise.

It's not that hard, just pray your salah and don’t hurt anyone’s feelings.

The Punjabis have a saying, “insan da puttar raho” (be a decent human being).

Don’t get involved in people’s affairs, do the basics - Salah, Hajj, Zakah, Siyam - and you’re good!

There isn’t much required from us, but that little has been exaggerated so much! It seems like Hajj, Zakah, Siyam are these impossible tasks that we could never do.

Hajj - It's once in a lifetime! Easy, it's not much. And if you’re sick, stay home. And if you’re poor, watch people do it on TV (stay home you don’t have to go).

Zakah - if you’re poor you can receive it - Islam is giving you money! If you’re rich, give to the poor.

Siyam - We fast once a year and it's good for your health. And again if you’re sick there are exceptions.

We have to shift our perspective on the deen, we can’t keep telling ourselves that paradise is too hard and it's out of reach because that’s just simply not true. Allah ﷻ hasn’t burdened us with anything we can’t handle.

Everything in this deen is in our favor.

May Allah ﷻ grant us tawfiq to adopt the actions of the people of Paradise while we have the opportunity. May Allah ﷻ give us true appreciation for the deen.

أقول قولي هذا وأستغفر الله لي ولكم، فاستغفروه إنه هو الغفور الرحيم

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