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- Be Like The Rabbit - 113
Be Like The Rabbit - 113
Never feel safe from the great game of life...
Est. Read time: 1 min
Edition Number: 113
Adapted from: The Garden of Wisdom: Reflections from Sa`di's 'Gulistan'
Instructor: Ustadh Feraidoon Mojadedi
Assalamu Alaykum,
Today’s gem is from Ustadh Feraidoon Mojadedi’s class, The Garden of Wisdom: Reflections from Sa`di's 'Gulistan'. In this gem, Ustadh Feraidoon shares the mentality we need to have as we go through life.
Hope you enjoy!
We begin in the Name of Allah ﷻ, the Most Merciful and Compassionate,
We ask that He ﷻ sends Peace and Blessings upon our noble and beloved
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Say "I believe in Allah ﷻ" and then be upright, be vigilant. In other words, don't fall asleep; don't relax.
You have to be like the rabbit, whose ears are always alert because predators are coming from every side.
You need to protect yourself. Never ever feel safe from the great game of life. That's where everybody falls into trouble—where they get comfortable and start to think, "Oh, I'm good, Alhamdulillah."
May Allah ﷻ grant us tawfiq to be vigilant.
أقول قولي هذا وأستغفر الله لي ولكم، فاستغفروه إنه هو الغفور الرحيم
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