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- The Dhikrman - Portal Gems #2
The Dhikrman - Portal Gems #2
The story of a man always in a state of Dhikr from Moulana Rumi's Masnavi.

Est. Read time: 4 min
Edition Number: 2
Adapted from: From Mawlana to Rumi: A Journey of the Heart
Instructor: Ustadh Feraidoon Mojadedi
Welcome to the second edition of Miftaah Portal Gems where we deliver gems from classes on Miftaah Portal right to your inbox!
Today we’re going through a gem from one of Ustadh Feraidoon Mojadedi’s classes, From Mawlana to Rumi: A Journey of the Heart, about a man who was always in the state of Dhikr until Shaytaan’s whispers led him to despair. Hope you enjoy!
We begin in the Name of Allah ﷻ, the Most Merciful and Compassionate,
We ask that He ﷻ sends Peace and Blessings upon our noble and beloved
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
There is a story in Mawlana Rumi's Masnavi about a Dhikrman, a man who was always in the state of Dhikr. He's happy. He's calling upon Allah all the time. He was making so much Dhikr and with such sincerity that has tongue was always moist and sweet with the remembrance of Allah.
One night Shaytaan comes to him and says,
"Oh Dhikrman, you're calling upon Allah all the time. Day, night, after work, before work, tired. Have you ever heard a labbayk from him? All these Allahs, millions of Allah, have you ever even heard a single labbayk? I'm telling you, you will not hear an answer from Allah. You think that Allah, sitting on the throne in the seventh heaven cares about you sitting in this small village calling upon him? You haven't even heard one Labbayk, so stop wasting your time."
Shaytaan broke the poor Dhikrman's heart. He felt despair, hopelessness- these are the tools of Shaytaan. The Dhikrman stopped making dhikr.
That night, Khidr comes to him in his dream and asks, "Hey, aren't you that Dhikrman? What happened, why did you stop making dhikr?"
Dhikrman replies, "You know what, I never heard a Labbayk. I'm afraid I'm among the rejected. Allah doesn't care about me.“
Khidr responds, "Your calling upon Allah was the Labbayk! Your calling was the Labbayk! In all your asking, who do you think put that in your heart! It was from Allah! Have you seen the ignorant people? The people whose hearts have not been opened by Allah. They can't call upon Allah even in times of difficulty because Allah has put a lock on their hearts. Allah has given Pharoah the entire dominion of the earth to the point where he calls himself god. In his entire life, Pharoah was not inflicted with a headache. Why? So he doesn't say Ya Allah my head hurts. Allah did not want His name on Pharoah's tongue. He gave him all the things of this world, but He didn't give him pain. So know, my friend, that pain and suffering is better then the world and everything that's in it so you can call upon your Lord in your private moments."
May Allah grant us Tawfiq to remember Him constantly. May Allah grant us tawfiq to learn His deen and earn His pleasure.
أقول قولي هذا وأستغفر الله لي ولكم، فاستغفروه إنه هو الغفور الرحيم
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