How To Approach Learning - 92

We should never say, "Oh, I've already heard this story."

Est. Read time: 2 min
Edition Number: 90
Adapted from: Tour of Tales From The Dream To The Throne: The Journey of Yusuf (AS)
Instructor: Mufti Abdul Wahab Waheed

Assalamu Alaykum,

Today’s gem is from Mufti Abdul Wahab Waheed’s class, Tour of Tales From The Dream To The Throne: The Journey of Yusuf (AS). In this gem, Mufti Abdul Wahab shares how we should approach learning the Quran and Hadith.

Hope you enjoy!

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We begin in the Name of Allah , the Most Merciful and Compassionate,
We ask that He sends Peace and Blessings upon our noble and beloved
Prophet Muhammad

When Allah ﷻ speaks about the story of Musa (AS) in Surah Taha He says

(Quran 20:9)

Did the “Hadith” of Musa come to you?

The word "Hadith" in Arabic comes from "Hadath," which means something new, something that has just originated. In other words, it's a new story. But the story of Musa (AS) is the most repeated story in the Quran; it appears more than any other story in the Quran, its repeated over 27 times. However, Allah says, "Have you heard of this new story of Musa?" He calls it a new story even though the story has been mentioned before.

The mufassirun comment on this and say the benefit for us as listeners to understand this is when we engage with the book of Allah ﷻ and when we engage with narrations from the Prophet ﷺ's life, we should never sit as if we already heard it. Because if we sit as if we already know it or have heard it before, no new benefit will come from it. But if we sit as listeners and learners, even if we've heard it multiple times, new benefits will emerge.

I will add to that point by saying, when we sit in a lesson and think, "I've already heard that Hadith before," or "I've already heard that story before," we miss the essence. My dear brother or sister, we may have heard the story many times, but has it impacted us yet? Have we implemented it yet?

Perhaps the mentality should be, "I've heard it, but let me see what I can learn from it this time."

May Allah ﷻ grant us tawfiq to approach learning in this way.

أقول قولي هذا وأستغفر الله لي ولكم، فاستغفروه إنه هو الغفور الرحيم

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